Visual Storyteller | Navy


如何实现对图片进行压缩以减少文件大小,同时保持一定的清晰度。有时,还需要将图片调整为指定的尺寸(例如长边固定为 3000 像素)。在 macOS 系统中,可通过macOS 自带的 sips 工具,对图片进行批量压缩和调整(包括尺寸和质量)


以下是完整的 AppleScript 代码。通过此脚本,用户可以选择图片文件并进行压缩,同时可根据需要调整图片尺寸(M2 芯片测试通过)。可手动提高压缩比,修改set compressionQuality to 0.6 – 60% 质量。

set imageFiles to choose file with prompt ¬
    "请选择要压缩的图片:" of type {"public.image"} with multiple selections allowed

set outputFolder to choose folder with prompt "请选择保存压缩图片的文件夹:"
set outputFolderPOSIX to POSIX path of outputFolder

-- 压缩比例,100 是原始质量,越低越压缩,可以手动修改
set compressionQuality to 0.6 -- 60% 质量

set shouldResize to false
display dialog "是否需要修改最长边的尺寸?" buttons {"否", "是"} default button "否"
if button returned of result is "是" then
    set shouldResize to true
    set longestSideSize to text returned of (display dialog "请输入最长边的尺寸:" default answer "3000")
    set longestSideSize to longestSideSize as integer
end if

repeat with anImage in imageFiles
    set imagePath to POSIX path of anImage
    set imageName to name of (info for anImage)
    set outputImagePath to outputFolderPOSIX & imageName
        if shouldResize then
            do shell script "sips -Z " & longestSideSize & " --setProperty formatOptions " & (compressionQuality * 100 as integer) & " " & quoted form of imagePath & " --out " & quoted form of outputImagePath
            do shell script "sips --setProperty formatOptions " & (compressionQuality * 100 as integer) & " " & quoted form of imagePath & " --out " & quoted form of outputImagePath
        end if
    on error errMsg
        display dialog "压缩图片时出错:" & errMsg buttons {"OK"} default button "OK"
    end try
end repeat

display dialog "图片压缩完成!" buttons {"OK"} default button "OK"